Friday, April 3, 2009

Scent of Jasmine!

Mmmh... the heavenly scent of jasmine flowers!...will words be ever enough to describe that?...A trailer of nostalgic memories gushes through my mind whenever i think of them .I was born and brought up in a urban area, whereas my paternal grandparents lived in a village. During vacation we used to go to grandma's place, whom we fondly call as chakkara ammomma and stay there for at least a week or two , which at times extended to a month. I was the first grandchild at my fathers side, so when i started calling her by that name , the entire clan of cousins took the liberty of following the lead .Just like the name, she's really a sweet and cuddly person.

So coming to the story of jasmine flowers, there were 2 jasmine plants at her place. Now when i think about them it's kinda strange - We get both mullamottu(jasmine buds) and mullapoovu(jasmine flowers) ,but not from the same plant. There is this huge tamarind tree towards the side of house , infront of the barn and close to the parijatham tree. Jasmine plant , being a climber is some where over the top most portion of the tree , that we could barely see some white spots(for flowers) amidst the green leaves.The option of shaking the huge tamarind tree and getting those beautiful flowers were not an option, so the only alternative for us kids(then!) was to wait for the cool morning breeze to shed those beautiful flowers. we used to collect those flowers in murams(it's square in shape and generally used for removing husk from rice) and make huge garlands with them.We were more interested in waiting for the shower of flowers in early mornings, than making garlands:-)

The other jasmine plant was more closer to the barn .So plucking mullamottu(jasmine buds), was totally differentexperience . Those who have been near a barn will agree with me here, that it's just not the best scent. This climber was on a short tree, with lotta thorns and sad part is 70% of branches of that tree is outside the compound wall, and there is this canal that goes just outside the compound wall . We used to collect the mulla mottu in mugs and in the evenings my aunt will make big garlands with them. It's a shame that i never tried to master the art of tying flowers and still regretting about it..

Even today my grandma lives there, but the barn is empty and everyone is busy with their own lives and no one is there to pick those flowers. I wish i could go back to those worry free days - at least for a day!

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